Friday, June 3, 2011

Hegemony Poem

She wanted to be an eagle in the plain sky, but there was always a wind that brought her back down

She jumped in and out the water but he always stayed still

She flew like a rose pedal but he was always the wall that stopped her

She decided to keep on going and became INDEPENDENT.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

PWA Writing

              Would you ever resist being called a slave and being treated unfair? In the book ''Kindred'' the author writes about a character named Dana who goes back to a time of slavery, to save a kid named Rufus. Since Dana was black she was affected by slavery. Octavia Butler's main point in the story is that slavery is very oppressive and we have to transform it.
              Slavery is very oppressive in so many different ways. For examplein ''Kindred'' there is a guy who is a slave owner and he sells the slave kids. I believe that is unfair and it also shows econoic exploitation. " I turned to the place were I had been strung up and whipped-and jumped back in surprise when I saw someone hanging there. Hanging by the neck. A women. Alice". This quotte from the book prooves that the slave owner had sold Alice's children. Alice, the character felt so bad that she hung herself. In my point of view I believe that economic exploitation is not good because you are taking advantage of someone or something just for their money. A connection I have with this is here in Oakland. For example, prostitutes, they sell their bodies to get money, that's a form of economic exploitation. Again, this is just one of the many ways slavery is oppressive.
                  Would you resist being called a slave when you are normally accustomed to live free and have rights? Dana, the main character from "Kindred" had to pretend she was her own husband's slave. For them two it was very difficult to live a life like that because if people found out they were married slave owners would punish them. They would have punished them because in that time black and white marriage was not allowed. '' I had been at home for eight days when the dizziness came again. I didn't know whether to curse it for my own sake or welcome it for Kevin's- not that it muttered what I did.'' This quote analyzes how Dana didnt want her husband in Rufus's time because she did'nt want him to get hurt. Also I believe this quote is showing she dosen't want to be in a time were they can't be together. A connection I have with this was when I was a little girl I was accostumed to get everything I wanted but as I grew older I had to get used to getting good grades to get things I wanted. This reminds me of Dana's situation because she had to get accostumed to the slave life.
                Slavery made people do many dangerous things. For example, in the novel "Kindred" a character was deeply being affected by slavery, so she decided to run away. This was a very bad decision the character made because the slave owners caught her instantly. " No don't go, you don't know what you're doing". This quote is telling that the character was planning to escape, but Dana thought it was dangerous. Slavery can lead people to do many dangerous choices that can lead to bad conclusions.
                 In my opinion slavery is a form of oppression and it can hurt many people emotionally or physically. Something we could've done before to stop slavery was make a group and protest. Or, they could've escaped and go to another country. One suggestion I would give is to always fight for your rights.